Cloninger Ford of Hickory

Dec 7, 2022

Today, in the United States alone, over 287 million cars have been purchased and used on the road. Perhaps this large number is attributed to new drivers wanting to buy their first car and old drivers wanting to upgrade their current vehicle. Indeed, driving is enjoyable and functional for many!

However, buying a new car is not accessible to many. As such, buying a second-hand vehicle may be more appealing.

When it comes to buying a second-hand car, it’s understandable to have your concerns. You might be afraid of being taken advantage of or discovering hidden flaws with the automobile. Thankfully, this problem can be solved by buying from a reputable provider. Purchasing a second-hand automobile is an excellent method to save money.

Read on to discover what a used Ford car can give you today.

The Dependability

Fords are built to last. Fords have a minimum lifespan of 100,000 miles, thus its parts should last for many years if properly maintained.

Purchasing a used truck or car has numerous advantages. Before finalizing a deal, investigate a vehicle’s lifetime performance.

The Range of Available Models

Another benefit of buying a Ford is the variety of available models and body styles. For example, if you need a Ford automobile from 2015, you should be able to find one. Ford’s engineering talents can provide used models that are in good condition.

Today, there are both modern and antique vehicles available. Regardless of the year of the model, the engineering quality of Ford vehicles is well-known.

The Reduced Premiums

The value of a vehicle influences insurance premiums. Because used cars are less expensive than new cars, insurance is less expensive.

Older used automobiles release more CO2 and may be taxed more heavily. Meanwhile, recent Ford vehicles are tax-free and meet stringent pollution regulations.

The Lower Financial Costs

The main reason people buy used cars is to save money. As such, buying second-hand products saves money and lowers overall financial costs.

To put things into perspective, a used car that is two to three years old is less expensive than a new car. This is due to value depreciation.

You may desire a work vehicle, but not one that is spanking new. Confirm your budget and preferred model before counting backward in years until you discover the truck you want.

The Flexibility 

New cars come with technology and extras. They occasionally have too many fillings. You cannot opt out of these features in a new vehicle, but you may in a used vehicle. As such, you can simply skip the extras!

If you don’t like the standard upholstery in current models, you can choose a previous model with the same engine and interior. The exterior finish, safety features, and performance components all have similarities. As such, used automobiles provide more versatility and value.

The Guaranteed Quality

Don’t be concerned if you have queries about used automobile insurance. A reputable dealer will tell you about the manufacturer’s warranty when you buy a used automobile.

When working with a dealership rather than a private seller, inquire about pre-sale inspections. Warranties and guarantees may be provided by the dealer. The only way to find out how you can get what you need and want, good communication is key.


As we advocate for buying a used Ford vehicle, we also advocate for making transactions with a trusted car dealer. This way, you can feel secure about the price, dependability, and overall quality of the second-hand Ford vehicle you purchase. On top of that, you must also do your part by inspecting a vehicle before acquiring it from a dealer.

Are you looking for a Ford dealer in Canton, NC? Cloninger Ford of Hickory can get you the right Ford vehicle that you want. Contact us today to learn more!